Cultural Acupuncture

on Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Just got out of a great Catalyst lab session with Jon Tyson of Trinity Grace Church in NYC. The talk was centered around finding the nerve centers of our world. The idea is that cities cultivate culture. Therefore, by applying focusing on ministering to areas that produce and cultivate culture, the church can be used to influence culture and maximize their impact. Studies show that by the year 2050, over 80% of the world will be in cities. It was very eye opening to hear about the challenges that ministering in a city presents to the church.

It was great to hear the incredible ways that God has been moving at Trinity Grace Church as they have adopted an incarnational approach to ministry as they focus on specific neighborhoods in NYC and attempt to meet the specific needs of those communities.

"God show us how to meet the needs of your people to bring them to the saving knowledge of Christ."